1000 miles from nowhere

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Untitled
Day 1 73.5 miles (including 20 miles to John O'Groats) 7 hours 55 minutes 4485 calories
Started the day with a continental breakfast, i say continental, because thats what we were told we would have. However it transpires that in Scotland Continental Breakfast is actually toast. Why they don’t just say toast i don’t know, it’s quicker to say than continental breakfast. I didn’t complain for two reasons, one that Ann asked me not to complain this holiday, and two, because the receptionist was very kind last night and let us store our bikes in the housekeeping office. However this was full as a de3livery had arrived that day, so i had to move this around with the receptionist. My first day on holiday, and i am still sorting out a housekeepers office and telling someone how to store things. However this office was one of the tidiest i have seen recently, and i have seen several very dirty housekeeping offices this year.
Got the 7am train to Thurso and then cycled the 20 miles to JOG. When we go there the famous sign was gone, as apparently this is not the season for doing end to end, and the cafe where we register was also closed for the same reason.
If John O’Groats is the start and finish of Great Britain, then it must be either the beginning or end of Rip Off Britain, as we paid £13 for 2 soups, one tea and one coffee. The tea even came with a small carton of UHT milk, this time i did complain.
We then started the journey, and it was hilly, very hilly, much hillier than we expected. We eventually arrived at Helmsdale at 745pm, and had to go straight to dinner. Fish and chips in a restaurant that has been on the telly. Wow! David Seaman has also been there.
Back to the b&b for bath and bed.